
May 31, 2006

Air Pollution Could Affect Men’s Fertility

Study finds that pollution in our air can do more than hurt our lungs, it could also affect a man's fertility, according to a study done by researchers from Keck School of Medicine at University of Southern California.
July 9, 2008

Multiple Surrogate Pregnancies – Risks & Rewards

Lucero has delivered six children as a surrogate mother. She has one child that is biologically hers. "I love being pregnant, helping a couple to be able to be parents is just worth everything," said Lucero.
March 14, 2014

The Obesity Pregnancy Dilemma

The latest news about the negative effects of our nation’s obesity epidemic on everything from fertility to pregnancy and maternal mortality recently prompted the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) to urge doctors to talk with patients about the benefits of slimming down before trying to conceive.
February 5, 2015

Older Fathers: Risk of Psychiatric Disorders

A study published in April 2014 by the medical journal JAMA Psychiatry, shows that men have a sort of biological clock as well that can affect psychiatric health of offsprings.